It's Active Travel Month
We have chosen to be involved in the South Leicestershire School Sports Partnership Active Travel to School Project which aims to increase the number of children travelling to school by walking, cycling and scooting. Actively travelling to school has many benefits for your child; it helps keep them fit and healthy, can increase concentration levels in class, helps to develop road safety skills and is fun. Reducing the number of cars around the school will also help to make the area quieter, safer and less congested.
To encourage as many families as possible to actively travel to school South Leicestershire School Partnership is holding a special Active Travel to School Month during October taking place from Monday 5th October until Friday 30th October. Each class will record how many pupils have actively travelled to school. The school in Leicestershire who has the highest percentage of active travellers across each week in October will win a prize. Each week throughout October will be themed towards a different mode of active travel:
Week 1 (WC 5th October) – Walking Week
Week 2 (WC 12th October) – Cycling Week Week 3 (WC 19th October) – Half-Term Family Week, linked to ActiveTogether (
Week 4 (WC 26th October) – Scooter Week
If you aren’t able to travel actively all the way from home you can still take part by parking a distance from the school (e.g. 10 minutes away) and walking, cycling or scooting the rest. Please make sure your child's bike and scooter is safe to ride to school.
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